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How to Rate Your Airbnb Stay

It seems many guests these days (and even some hosts!) are losing the vibe of what Airbnb was meant to be. So on behalf of your hard working hosts, letโ€™s keep it simple.

Let's start here: you aren't being asked to judge an Olympic event. You aren't giving out a Pulitzer here.

This is Airbnb. ๐Ÿ˜‰

It's supposed to be friendly, fun, and welcoming.

Did you have a good stay? 5 stars.
Did it meet your expectations? 5 stars.

Don't overthink it.

Please don't be a I'll-leave-3-or-4-stars-just-because-there's-always-room-for-improvement type of person here. There needs to be really good reasons why you'd bring down a host's "score."

Did your host put alot of work into making your stay as smooth as possible, even if some things didn't go as you hoped?

5 stars.

Reserve your 4 star reviews and below for the stays where a host missed the mark a few times AFTER you communicated it and gave them the opportunity to resolve it. (PSA: Good hosts want to make everything great for you!)

Just so you'll know, 2 and 3 stars are really just a step above abysmal, and 1 star is the Airbnb equivalent of giving the middle finger. Unless it was really awful, don't do it.

But here's the deal:

Try to give 5 stars whenever possible. (this also applies to you, too, hosts!)

By doing so, you'll help keep your host's business afloat because Airbnb won't send their listing to some kind of algorithm purgatory and they miss out on bookings.

Go crazy expressive about your great stay in the public comment section and potential guests will know it's a gem.

Even if it wasn't a great place for YOU, stick to sharing information that will be helpful to future travelers to envision themselves there.

And please please pretty please save your personal suggestions, grievances or vendettas for the private comments section. ๐Ÿ˜†

Some of the most helpful advice we've received over the years of hosting has been from our guests' suggestions and negative feedback in the private comments section.

Whether it's good or bad, we're thankful to hear it all so we can keep leveling up!

But let's stop demanding perfection of our hosts who are doing their very best to give you a 5 star stay. โค๏ธ