Which Sheets Should I Use For my Airbnb?

Let’s start off with an age-old question when it comes to hosting guests in short-term rentals…

What kinds of sheets should I use?

There are so many options out there, so many price ranges and brands, and everyone seems to have their own preferences. Should you splurge for expensive linens that would make the guest stay more luxurious? Should you go with plain white or opt for a fun pattern that accentuates your design?

Here’s my tip: Buy WHITE (and almost always, inexpensive) SHEETS..

It’s a controversial subject among short-term rental hosts, but there are lots of good reasons why hotels all go for crisp, clean white sheets on their beds. Before the 1990’s, the hospitality industry actually used different colored sheets, believing them to hide stains more. But after Westin Hotel published a study proving how much white sheets raised the guest experience, it became the norm for the hospitality industry.

White communicates relaxation, luxury, and anti-stress, but the downside is that you can also see every speck of dirt and hair, right? I think that’s precisely WHY you should use them. Cleanliness is the most important part of any short-term rental, and by using white sheets, you’re giving every guest the reassurance that they’re climbing into a clean bed under your watch. White sheets also have the added benefit of using bleach to kill germs and remove stains.

Now here’s where my opinion may not be quite as popular… as much as we love our guests, I personally don’t believe in forking out the big bucks for luxury sheets in most of our rentals. Maybe I’ll come around on this, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned from hosting thousands of guests over the years, it’s that sheets will inevitably be stained and replaced more than you’d ever anticipate. It’s just part of any hospitality business. The minute you invest in the finest linens you’ll host the guest that decides to dye their hair during their stay.

Our favorite short-term rental sheets…

Thankfully there are plenty of nice, soft, inexpensive options available, whether you’re a fan of cotton or microfiber. I commonly use these comfy, white sheets for most of our properties. They’re soft, quick and easy to wash & dry, guests love them, and they last as long as I need them before I’m replacing them. I always order 3 sets of sheets per bed so there’s one in the wash, one to put on the bed, and one extra, just in case.

Have you found a set of sheets you love? Let us know if there’s something else out there we need to try!



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